Last week on the Cinephile Hissy Fit podcast, the much-hyped first-ever real life meeting between our hosts Don Shanahan and Will Johnson opened a series of more casually formatted content offerings. With Will visiting Don in Chicago, the topic of love/hate Chicago movies was a great place to start. Now, the conversational cross hairs turn to the whole tedious slog that is long-distance traveling. Cinema has a very full category for such movies.
For our 23rd episode and the second of our epic in-person series, 25YL film critics, Griswoldian dads, and surly school teachers Will Johnson and Don Shanahan continue with conversations collected from sharing a microphone together. In honor of Will’s trek from Phoenix to Chicago, the two new buds select some favorites and dismissals in the subgenre of road movies. Honk your horn and come over for this Windy City-set episode.
Cinephile Hissy Fits is a 25YL media podcast, brought to you by Please visit, rate, review and subscribe. If you enjoyed this show, we have more where that came from, with interesting hosts, and wonderful guests. All available on iTunes, Spotify, and anywhere you find your favorite shows. Follow the show on Twitter at @CinephileFit and on Facebook. Also, find both Will Johnson and Don Shanahan on Letterboxd as the accumulate their viewings and build their ranks and lists.
As Will and Don love to say, come for the shared challenge and tirade and stay for the mutual love and respect for the fun movies encapsulate. Thank you so much for your captive audience and social media participation! Enjoy our podcast sponsored and supported by the Ruminations Radio Network!
Road Trip Movies
Listen to this episode from Cinephile Hissy Fit on Spotify. For our 23rd episode and the second of our epic in-person series, 25YL film critics, Griswoldian dads, and surly school teachers Will Johnson and Don Shanahan continue with conversations collected from sharing a microphone together.