Director Benh Zeitlin follows up his four-time Oscar-nominated debut feature Beasts of the Southern Wild with his new film Wendy, a new take on the Peter Pan mythos. The production of Wendy is a family affair, as director Benh is joined by his sister Eliza Zeitlin, who co-wrote the screenplay and acts as Production Designer for the film.
Brought to the screen by Fox Searchlight, Wendy looks to be a more grounded look at a very fantastical idea. Surrounded by lush greens and vibrant oceans, the cast carries an attitude of freedom the young feel on lost summer days, with storm clouds approaching representing the world of responsibility and, in this film’s case, ageing.
The synopsis for the film:
“The classic story of Peter Pan is wildly reimagined in this ragtag epic from Benh Zeitlin, director of BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD. Lost on a mysterious island where aging and time have come unglued, Wendy must fight to save her family, her freedom, and the joyous spirit of youth from the deadly peril of growing up.”
Wendy will be released in select theaters on February 28th, 2020.
Directed By
Benh Zeitlin
Written By
Benh Zeitlin & Eliza Zeitlin
Produced By
Becky Glupczynski, Dan Janvey, Paul Mezey, Josh Penn