Whenever any news regarding Quentin Tarantino drops, it’s usually a big deal. And today is no exception. ViaVision has just announced a 4K UHD/Blu-ray limited edition release for the director’s debut 1992 film, Reservoir Dogs!
Regarding physical media and Quentin Tarantino, I’m of two minds: one, I enjoy most of his filmography, and two, his DVDs, Blu-rays and 4Ks always leave plenty left on the table. While the man is a film historian and a cinephile, his physical media releases always seem—should I say, standard?
And standard should be the last word used to describe a Tarantino joint. The man is an innovator with cinema, regardless of how you feel about him outside of his filmography. In a way, his physical media releases mirror those of Steven Spielberg and M. Night Shyamalan as they meet the quota for bonus material but are dreadfully by the numbers. Beggars can’t be choosers, I guess, but I always hope that one day, Tarantino will drop a lavish release fitting for his cinematic ventures. Can ViaVision change the director’s physical media output? I wouldn’t bet on it. Not for lack of trying on ViaVision’s side.
Hot on the heels of their stellar 4K release of 1953’s War of the Worlds, this edition of Reservoir Dogs looks to kick it up a notch. While supplemental material and technical specs have yet to be confirmed, ViaVision offered some initial details for physical media connoisseurs and Reservoir Dogs fans to savor.
Per their website, Reservoir Dogs will drop on May 31, 2023, in a two-disc Collector’s Edition. The package will feature a 4K and a Blu-ray disc housed inside a 3D lenticular hard slipcase with six collectible art cards. As is customary with ViaVision and its sub-label, Imprint Films, the Reservoir Dogs release is strictly limited to 2000 copies. What is different, ViaVision states that each copy will come individually numbered. Certain members of the collector community definitely perked up their ears with that last detail.
I’ve been singing the praises of ViaVision and Imprint Films for a while now as one of the finest boutique labels, and today’s announcement only exemplifies that feeling. Even with Quentin Tarantino’s ho-hum supplemental material track record, ViaVision and Imprint Films have consistently proved they do their damnedest to release the finest discs capable. And I can’t see any reason that will change with this Reservoir Dogs release.
If you head to the ViaVision page, you can pre-order Reservoir Dogs for AUD 79.95. ViaVision is an Australian company, so be mindful of such when placing an order and calculating the conversion for your country.
Knowing how well ViaVision and Imprint Films care for their customers and the blood and sweat put into each release, I know Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs is in good hands. And I’m sure there will be some grumbling about the film recently getting a 4K release elsewhere. I can’t attest to that, only to say that this edition of Reservoir Dogs will be the film’s 4K UHD debut in Australia.
And that’s the good news of the day! Hopefully, the full specs and features list for Reservoir Dogs will drop in the next few weeks. In the interim, are you excited about this release? Will this edition of Quentin Tarantino’s debut find its way onto your shelf? I can’t wait to see what ViaVision has in store. May 31, 2023, can’t come fast enough!