Alright, let’s see a show of hands. How many ardent film watchers out there have either found themselves checking their watch lately or been surprised by a running time that extends long past two hours? If your hand is up, it joins with the hosts of the Cinephile Hissy Fit podcast, sponsored and supported by the Ruminations Radio Network. Well, grab a cup of coffee, take a No-Doz pill, and sit down with our guys.
For their 123rd episode, two tall-ish film critics, two lengthy dads, and two long-winded teachers, Will Johnson and Don Shanahan, stay on the editorial track with this open discussion posing the question “Are movies too long?” From blockbusters to prestige pictures, including the recent Oppenheimer the number of movies flying further than a tidy 90 minutes or two hours seems to be growing. Our guys try to dissect how and why this is happening and share how they feel about it. Come for the shared challenge and stay for the mutual love and respect for the fun movies encapsulate. Enjoy our podcast!
Thank you so much for your captive audience and social media participation! Enjoy our new podcast episode!