
Two Returning Guests Wail about The Whale on the Cinephile Hissy Fit Podcast

Image courtesy of A24.

The cover photo of the Cinephile Hissy Fit podcast

Let the two school teachers of the Cinephile Hissy Fit podcast, sponsored and supported by the Ruminations Radio Network, teach you something. Reminding you (hopefully) from your grade school science class days, the name for a group of whales, as fate would have it is a “pod.” Well, we have a pod on a pod part of a pod network talking about a whale without a pod. Yeah, that’s right. Our CHF people are proverbial whales and titans of their oceans.

For their 98th episode, two mammalian film critics, better dads, and statistically overweight school teachers Will Johnson and Don Shanahan welcome back returning guests Lauren Knight of L.A. Knight Consulting and Barbara VanDenburgh of USA Today to blow out all the brine, foam, and emotions that come with Darren Aronofsky’s The Whale. Featuring Oscar nominees Brendan Fraser and Hong Chau, this movie splashed enormous reactions within this pod on a pod. Come for the shared challenge and tirade and stay for the mutual love and respect for the fun movies encapsulate. Enjoy our podcast!



Lauren Knight of L.A. Consulting
Image: L.A. Knight Consulting

For almost a decade, Lauren Knight has been a film programmer, live event specialist, publicist, and celebrity booker/talent wrangler in the metro Phoenix area. She is the founder of L.A. Knight Consulting. Want to add some spice to that grand opening? Want to screen your favorite movie? Don’t know where to start? Let Lauren help you!


USA Today's Barbara Vandenburgh
Image courtesy of Barbara VanDenburgh
When her nose isn’t stuck in a book or her eyes glued to a movie, Barbara VanDenburgh works as the books editor for USA TODAY and hosts the First Draft Book Club at Changing Hands Bookstore in Phoenix, AZ.
Cinephile Hissy Fit is a Film Obsessive Radio podcast, brought to you by Please visit, rate, review and subscribe. If you enjoyed this show, we have more where that came from, with interesting hosts, and wonderful guests. All available on iTunes, Spotify, and anywhere you find your favorite shows. Follow the show on Twitter at @CinephileFit and on Facebook. Also, find both Will Johnson and Don Shanahan on Letterboxd as the accumulate their viewings and build their ranks and lists.

Thank you so much for your captive audience and social media participation! Enjoy our new podcast episode!

Written by Don Shanahan

DON SHANAHAN is a Chicago-based Rotten Tomatoes-approved film critic writing here on Film Obsessive as the Editor-in-Chief and Content Supervisor for the film department. He also writes for his own website, Every Movie Has a Lesson. Don is one of the hosts of the Cinephile Hissy Fit Podcast on the Ruminations Radio Network and sponsored by Film Obsessive. As a school teacher by day, Don writes his movie reviews with life lessons in mind, from the serious to the farcical. He is a proud director and one of the founders of the Chicago Indie Critics and a voting member of the nationally-recognized Critics Choice Association, Online Film Critics Society, North American Film Critics Association, International Film Society Critics Association, Internet Film Critics Society, Online Film and TV Association, and the Celebrity Movie Awards.

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