Blu-ray Boutique hosts Rosalie Lewis and Tim Rosenberger put on their deerstalkers and grab their magnifying glasses as they investigate four silent Sherlock Holmes films: two German adaptions of The Hound of the Baskervilles and two screen versions of the famous early 1900s William Gillette play simply titled Sherlock Holmes. One stars legendary John Barrymore and another stage actor William Gillette, whose famous stage show still influences big and small screen adaptions of Sherlock Holmes to this day.
Blu-ray Boutique: Episode 17 – Silent Sherlock by Blu-ray Boutique
Hosts Rosalie Lewis, a writer for, and Tim Rosenberger — a 25 Years Later film writer, a blogger, and YouTuber — put on their deerstalkers and grab their magnifying glasses as they investigate four silent Sherlock Holmes films: two German adaptions of The Hound of the Baskervilles and two screen versions of the famous early 1900s William Gillette play simply titled Sherlock Holmes.